Saturday, 3 November 2012

iHeartBadges... like seriously

Being lame.

That is sufficient to describe me 80% of the time (the other 20% is made up of Sleeping) thus its really quite explainable why I like 9gag, trolling the unfortunate and "Suddenly, a washing machine." kind of things.

Which is also why I simply had to get these when I visited HueynWah's street fair last Sunday.

Even if they costed RM10 for 3.

And If you share the same kind of lame humour I like, you can get these at iHeartBadges. On the plus side, there are tons of designs plus the lady owner is like very awesomely eccentric. (While I was mulling over my favourites the lady owner told another lady that she could make the crystal necklace she was wearing "talk", now I don't get that shit but how cool is that?)

They also offer bulk orders with customized designs if you are interested in that kind of thing.

Now, let the lame begin!

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