Tuesday, 6 November 2012


Introducing Instabook, a marriage between Instagram and Facebook.

Just kidding.

But Instagram does have a new web interface.

According to their official blog:

"Your web profile features a selection of your recently shared photographs just above your profile photo and bio, giving others a snapshot of the photos you share on Instagram. In addition, you can follow users, comment & like photos and edit your profile easily and directly from the web. It’s a beautiful new way to share your Instagram photos!"

 Hovering your mouse over an image tile brings out the date, number of likes and comments.

While clicking on a tile brings out the web interface we've been so used to for the past year, allowing users to like and comment.

Getting to your web profile is abit obscure,  but you just need to type in instagram.com/your-instagram-user-name. (For me it would be Instagram.com/yuishira, follow me maybe?)

Blatant self advertising aside, the site looks pretty cool, but as Instagram is mobile focused, one cannot simply update pictures via the web, so I'll probably still stick with my S3 for viewing.

Having said that, an option of viewing via web is still pretty nifty. I'm looking forward to see what comes out of the Facebook + Instagram collab in the future.

Saturday, 3 November 2012

iHeartBadges... like seriously

Being lame.

That is sufficient to describe me 80% of the time (the other 20% is made up of Sleeping) thus its really quite explainable why I like 9gag, trolling the unfortunate and "Suddenly, a washing machine." kind of things.

Which is also why I simply had to get these when I visited HueynWah's street fair last Sunday.

Even if they costed RM10 for 3.

And If you share the same kind of lame humour I like, you can get these at iHeartBadges. On the plus side, there are tons of designs plus the lady owner is like very awesomely eccentric. (While I was mulling over my favourites the lady owner told another lady that she could make the crystal necklace she was wearing "talk", now I don't get that shit but how cool is that?)

They also offer bulk orders with customized designs if you are interested in that kind of thing.

Now, let the lame begin!